Permit to Carry FAQs
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Permit to Carry FAQ
Can I Get a Concealed Carry Permit or CCW in NJ?New Jersey law does not distinguish between concealed carry and open carry. Unlike other states, NJ does not issue a “Concealed Carry Weapon” Permit. Instead, it issues permits to carry that can be used to carry open or concealed.
Who Qualifies for a Carry Permit in NJ?The law provides that the court shall issue the permit to the applicant if, but only if it is satisfied that the applicant is a person of good character who is not subject to any of the disabilities set forth in subsection c. of N.J.S.2C:58-3 and is thoroughly familiar with the safe handling and use of handguns.
What Do I Have to Do Get a Permit to Carry in NJ?Fill out the application to carry form SP-642 in triplicate, with three references endorsing the application, and have each original notarized. Fill out the mental health release form SP-066. Provide a $50 money order made out to Treasurer, State of New Jersey. Obtain qualification scores with the pistols you intend to carry obtaining a score of 80% or better. Submit proof of ownership of the firearms you intend to carry. Provide four 1.5-inch photos. Hand the entire packet into your township, or the NJSP if you are out of state or are policed by the NJSP, and present proof of identification by Driver’s License, Birth Certificate, Passport, or Resident Alien Identification Card.
How Long Does It Take to Get a Permit to Carry?It depends. Your township or the NJSP have 60 days to approve your application, otherwise it’s deemed automatically approved. The next step is the County Court. Because of a recent influx of applications, courts are backed up with approvals and can take anywhere from 30 to 120 days.
If I Am Denied, Can I Appeal?Yes. If you are denied by your municipal police department or NJSP you can appeal within 30 days directly to the Superior Court. If you are denied by the Superior Court, you can appeal to the Appellate Division within 45 days of the appeal.
How Long Does the Appeal Process Take?The time it takes to have your appeal heard in the Superior Court Law Division varies widely by county. Some counties hear appeals within 60 days whereas other counties schedule appeals about 7 or more months in advance. If you are appealing to the New Jersey Superior Court – Appellate Division, expect to wait more than 1 year for a decision.
Do I Have to Qualify with Every Handgun I Want to Carry?Unfortunately, the law is unclear on this. NJSA 2C:58-4 provides “One permit shall be sufficient for all handguns owned by the holder thereof, but the permit shall apply only to a handgun carried by the actual and legal holder of the permit.” However, the same statute provides that “the court may at its discretion issue a limited-type permit which would restrict the applicant as to the types of handguns he may carry and where and for what purposes the handguns may be carried.” Many county judges are using this provision to restrict the carry permit to allow the owner to carry only those handguns with which they specifically qualify. Until further clarification is provided by the legislature or courts, those carrying would be wise to follow the parameters set forth on the carry permit and order issued by the court.
If I Have a Carry Permit, Where Can’t I Legally Carry?The list of places a person cannot carry is increasing. As of November 27, 2022, the list of prohibited places includes state and national parks, casinos, schools, county or municipal courts, universities, colleges, cemeteries, military bases, Amtrack trains, post offices, and federally prohibited areas such as federal courthouses, buildings, prisons, and other places the government rents or uses.