With Our Clients Every Step of the Way
I recently hired Mike to appeal my carry permit denial! In the process of waiting for a court date, I had an incident where the state tried to revoke my FID card and forfeit my firearms! Mike represented me on both accounts and not only did he get the forfeiture denied but he got my carry permit granted! Mike went up to bat and came home with a grand slam! He was resourceful, attentive, understanding, and work with me every step of the way! Money well spent! Any gun problems he is your attorney for sure !! Thanks, Mike! Merry Christmas to you and your family.- Former Client
He provided all the info, resources, and information for me to get the result that I love. Mr. Teeter got the best result possible. All criminal charges for domestic violence were dropped and expunged.- Mantas A.
Mr. Teeter is no-nonsense and explains the entire legal process.- Brian F.
He is very professional and makes you feel confident. He is hardworking and very trustworthy. He has lived up to all the standards he set out to me from the first day we spoke.- Alexandra C.
Mathew Teeter represented me very well throughout the process of my Second Offense DUI case. He will omit if not reduce sentences that unfairly subjugate to you.- Jason A.

NJ Public Indecency & Prostitution Lawyers
Fought by Our New Jersey Criminal Defense Lawyers
Engaging in or promoting prostitution is an offense. The promotion of prostitution of a person under 18 is a crime of the second degree. Promoting one’s spouse to engage in prostitution or engaging in sexual activity with a person under 18 is a crime of the third degree. Certain kinds of other promotion of prostitution are considered fourth-degree crimes and engaging in prostitution with an adult is considered a disorderly persons offense but sequent violations are escalated to a fourth-degree crime.
Loitering for the Purpose of Engaging in Prostitution
It’s a disorderly persons offense to wander, remain, or prowl about for the purpose of engaging in prostitution. Such illegal conduct includes repeatedly stopping cars or pedestrians in a public place.
It’s a crime in New Jersey to sell or display any obscene material to anyone unless the municipality where it occurs specifically permits the sale or display. While the statute attempts to define what is considered obscenity in 2C:34-2a(1), there is a lot of room for argument and interpretation. Depending upon the circumstances, a defendant charged with violating the obscenity laws may have a valid legal argument that they were practicing free speech.
Diseased Person Committing an Act of Sexual Penetration
If a person is knowingly inflicted with an STD such as gonorrhea, syphilis, or herpes, it is a fourth-degree crime to engage in sexual penetration which includes oral sex without first telling the other person. Under 2C:34-5b, if the person knows they have HIV or AIDS and they fail to tell the other person, then it’s a crime of the third degree. If you are charged with any of the above offenses, you should consider hiring a criminal defense lawyer in New Jersey to fight for the best outcome to your case.
Call Roberts & Teeter today at (732) 607-5553 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.

Representation Aimed at Results
Aggressively Pursuing the Best Possible Outcome for Each Client
Received No Loss of License 2nd Driving While Intoxicated
Case Dismissed 4th Shoplifting Offense
Case Dismissed Aggravated Assault
Case Dismissed Aggravated Assault & Possession of a Weapon
DWI Charge Dismissed Driving While Intoxicated