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Gun Permits & Appeals: Strick Gun Laws for NJ Citizens

Leveraging More Than Two Decades of Experience to Protect Your Future
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Strict Firearm Laws from New Jersey Law Enforcement

For gun owners and prospective gun owners in New Jersey, the increasingly strict gun laws make it difficult for gun owners to retain their rights, and to purchase new firearms. Local police officials for your jurisdiction are responsible for approving or denying your permit to purchase and possess a firearm or handgun. Unfortunately, many law enforcement officers deny the applications without just reasoning, making it an even more arduous and frustrating experience.

Contact Us!

The team of New Jersey gun permit lawyers at Roberts & Teeter, LLC can help you through the process and fight for you if you are denied your application. You are protected by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution for the right to bear arms. Don’t let the process in New Jersey, or potential unjust denial for permit, deter you from that right. Let our team help you fight for it.

The Application Process & Denial Possibilities

The state of New Jersey requires a Firearm Purchaser Identification Card (FPIC) to purchase rifles, shotguns, or any other long gun. If you would like to purchase and possess a handgun, you need a Handgun Purchase Permit (HPP). As we noted above, your local police department will issue these permits and you will have 90 days for purchase before expiration. Permits can be denied for inaccuracy or incomplete information, or for prior issues with law enforcement, or for the reasons below.

Denials may be based upon:

  • There is record of alcohol or drug addiction in your past
  • You were convicted of a crime
  • You have been hospitalized for mental breakdown or disorder
  • Information on your permit was falsified
  • A restraining order for domestic abuse was filed against you
  • You are not of age to purchase a long gun or handgun
  • A firearm in your possession was seized due to domestic violence in the past

Don’t Make a Misstep, Contact Our Team

When you are applying for a gun permit or appealing a denial, it pays to have an experienced, supportive New Jersey Gun Permit Attorney at your side. Our team at Roberts & Teeter, LLC can help you to make sure that you have the best chance at approval as you go through the application process. Because of the relentless, strength and conviction with which law enforcement works to make obtaining a gun permit difficult, you need an aggressive attorney who knows what steps to take to obtain it and how to make sure that it is not denied unfairly. Don’t risk denial, make our team your ally.

Contact our team for a free consultation at (732) 607-5553.

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